Only Passing Through
April 1, 2022
1. Everdark Mountain
2. I Can't Stay Here Anymore
3. Time Has a Way
4. Rock Paper Scissors
5. Much Ado
6. Only Passing Through
7. Said the Stranger
8. Here with You with Me
9. I'm Not Alright (bonus track)
10. Just Another Day at The Beach (bonus track)
Produced by John Boegehold
Mixed and mastered by Rich Mouser at The Mouse House,
Los Angeles, CA. Drums recorded at The Mouse House, except (9) recorded at Jimmy’s studio. Everything else recorded at home.
Ted Leonard - vocals and guitars
Jimmy Keegan - drums, percussion and vocals
Dave Meros - basses
John Boegehold - synths, programming, mellotron, assorted mandolins and guitars, electric sitar, charango and ronrocco, vihuela, autoharp and vocals
Beraud - backing vocals (4)
Chris Flynn - backing vocals (4)
Ivy Marie - backing vocals (8)
Izora - backing vocals (4)
Jenice Rosen - bassoon (6)
John Fumo - trumpet and flugelhorn (3)
Lindsay Willinger - backing vocals (9)
Molly Pasutti - backing vocals (4,8,10)
Patrick McNamara - synth (9)
Rini - violin (3,4)
Robin Tapp - backing vocals (4)
Stanley T Sichel - rhythm guitar (10)
Vesislava - cello (6)
Graphic design by Thomas Ewerhard
Group photo by Kristina Bakrevsky
Individual photos by Mark Berry
Thanks to Thomas Waber, Nik Tschaikowsky and everyone at InsideOut Music; Thomas Mathieson and everyone at Reservoir Media Management, Stan Ausmus and Greg Walker.
Everdark Mountain
John Boegehold
Some lives are written in the stars
Mine was scribbled in the dust
Nature’s ink had been depleted
I’ve spent my days collecting scars
Dabbing paint to hide the rust
But it seems I’ve been defeated
Found the devil in my bones
Poisoning the fountain
From this moment I’ll walk alone
In the shadow of Everdark Mountain
My manifesto fooled the world
‘til the people found the light
In the words they once rejected
And in the chaos that unfurled
Ashes stoked would reignite
A result not unexpected
© 2022 Brainforest Music (BMI)
All rights administered worldwide by
Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
I Can't Stay Here Anymore
John Boegehold
I can’t believe how much this place has changed
Seems I was ill-prepared
Different in ways not easy to explain
But truth be told I’m scared
I walked the streets electric
The night revealed
Crowds swarming disconnected
‘round exits sealed
This I know
I can’t stay here anymore
Amateur humans climb to reach the surface
Fallen so far from grace
Falling in line now that they’ve found a purpose
Running their final race
Sweet tones have turned to static
My lucid dreams
Once lush and cinematic
Now ash and steam
She came to my door in the morning
Said what are we still doing here?
I told her we could leave this town today
I’m taking my dreams as a warning
My thoughts are quite focused and clear
I’ve got a plan to take us far away
This I know
I can’t stay here anymore
I’m booking a passage to Venus
By way of the moons of Mars
We’ll slip the grip of earth and drift away
No gravity coming between us
Our only distraction the stars
We’ll live our lives in orbit come what may
© 2022 Brainforest Music (BMI)
All rights administered worldwide by
Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
Time Has a Way
John Boegehold
Cursed sky the frogs rain down
Through ghosts of those long in the ground
They’re haunting me
Some think that I think too much
A creeping paranoia fuels these sleepless dreams
And though it seems to most that I am sane
Praying better angels guide me
Safely through the maze of men
Whose ways I fear
Shadows cloak the chosen one
I’m fighting every urge to run and disappear
Fighting every urge to disappear
Time has a way of winding down the raging wars
While never changing course
Time has a way of wearing down the walls
And as it crawls
Time will always have the final say
An unwelcome stranger, he rode through the border towns
Hoping to find her again
She fed his obsessions and quickly was gone
She said she’d be back but she never said when
She shone like the sun streaming down through kaleidoscopes
Someone else captured her light
A dark cloud hangs over him constantly now
A voice from behind saying give up the fight
She doesn’t love here anymore, she doesn’t care
Here lies a fast gun who challenged a faster one
Listen, the gravedigger said
I fear you’re intending to send me more work
This town’s buried more than its share of the dead
Surely you know how the story is bound to go
It’s not a mystery to me
The lady’s not worth it it’s time to move on
You can’t change the past mister best let it be
Time has a way of unraveling threads
Then tying new knots with the thoughts in our heads
Time has a say in all we plan in life and all that matters
Time has a way of replacing the scars
Erasing the past, realigning the stars
Chasing the future and leaving today
Tomorrow is calling, it's not far away
Time has a way in the trenches of love
Of revealing the truth that no one speaks of
Time has a way through the seasons we live
Of blurring the reasons we need to forgive
© 2022 Brainforest Music (BMI)
All rights administered worldwide by
Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
Rock Paper Scissors
John Boegehold & Molly Pasutti
London Bridge is falling down
Armies scattered underground
Children building bombs
Weapons drawn matches gasoline
Storming castles sticks and stones
Killing kings and seizing thrones
Waging little wars
Ancient scores settled on the screen
Rock Paper Scissors
These were the ways of a restless youth
Rock Paper Scissors
Spinning in circles and searching for truth
Gather let the games begin
He who has the most toys wins
Broken rule remains
Royals reign revolution grows
Hide and seeking destiny
Olly olly oxen free
Glory redefined
In the minds of the overthrown
© 2022 Brainforest Music (BMI) and Zoot Sutti Music (BMI)
All rights administered worldwide by
Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
Much Ado
Ted Leonard
Today I’m going to write about nothing
Cause that’s just what I want to feel
That’s right this song’s about nothing
Cause nothing’s better than what’s real
Today I’m going to sing about nothing
Cause that’s the only tune that resonates
A melody that goes nowhere
Does not depress or stimulate
Nothing could be better
Nothing could be divine
Nothing could be a welcome change cause
Nothing, no nothing’s gonna be fine
This song I write is for no one
Wasn’t even meant to be heard
It’s lucky I guess that no one’s listening cause
Nothing could be more absurd
Nothing is the matter
Nothing the matter at hand
Nothing would be a welcome change cause
Nothing, no nothing’s what I can stand
You say it’s much ado
That good things come to
Those who wait so I’m waiting
But nothing seems to be
Coming to me
It’s lucky I guess cause
That’s just what I need
I’m living here in this nothing
And nothing’s quite as it seems
But even nothing is something
Even if it’s just the space that’s in between
© 2022 Tish Lincoln's Allstar Hits (ASCAP)
All rights administered worldwide by
Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
Only Passing Through
John Boegehold
A grand December day
In ways no camera lens could capture
But then, no clouds to mute the skies
Unshielded eyes, a quiet fractured
Long rolling thunder claps
Like raptures past, we held together again
But in the aftermath, one left the path
This time forever, he said
If you look you’ll find me staring down the sun
Riding rainbows round the moon
As the clock’s unwinding each and every one of us
We’re only passing through
No tears no long goodbyes
No hero dies, the film continues
And when the perfect story’s told
The credits roll it should be over, he said
Everybody’s looking for the perfect high
To fade the past and face tomorrow
While life is rumbling quickly by
Everybody’s looking for the perfect high
To break the fall and ease the sorrow
And now it’s time to wonder why
Everybody look up, look up
Everybody wonder why
© 2022 Brainforest Music (BMI)
All rights administered worldwide by
Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
Said The Stranger
John Boegehold
I closed my eyes so I might see
Beyond what is and what will be
While on the path to destiny
I passed a pilgrim on the way
A roaming seeker gone astray
He wished me peace in troubled days
Thunder in the gloaming rolling louder as
The absent clouds and rain reveal
A growing choir of tone-deaf broken souls
They sing familiar songs once sacred
Groaning voices melodies profane from
Dark and distant planes they rage out of control
Said the stranger
If you listen to the wind
You just might hear the sound of
Heaven’s orchestra begin
Said the stranger
Now the journey starts again
You will find the map within
Simply listen to the wind
The stranger said that when you’re dead
You’re never really gone
The stranger said that when you’re dead
Your soul still lingers on
Maybe I’ll be proven wrong
But truth be told I have my doubts
For now the flame of life burns strong
Until the day it flickers out
There’s a storm that’s coming
© 2022 Brainforest Music (BMI)
All rights administered worldwide by
Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
Here with You With Me
John Boegehold
Let’s walk a while like so many times before
Down where the shore meets the morning
Message sent, awaiting your reply
Never waste the day away
Life has brought us to where we’re meant to be
Here with you with me
We both know That this rain will never last
Dark clouds will pass, soon it’s over
Heaven sent, a gift from gods on high
Never waste the day away
On a perfect day with you
Ablaze like fireflies
Reflections in your eyes
Reveal what we’ve been through
The wrongs we need to right
The darkness still to light
We’ve little left to prove
Living in the moment of a simpler time
Passion plays behind the curtain
Poetry in motion didn’t always rhyme
But we all were certain
Time is like a train but maybe then it’s not
Either way it’s left the station
Jesus punching tickets as our rails ran hot
Toward our destination
No we didn’t need a carpet
Cause we didn’t have a floor
And we didn’t need a lock
Cause we didn’t have a door
Yes we had so very little
But we could not ask for more
Creeping like a ninja never far behind
Running deep and undetected
Keeping to the script of what it had in mind
Fate came unexpected
Life is a parade except for when it’s not
Some will lead but most will follow
And a few stand still ‘til they all get caught
Bitter pills to swallow
Always I will remember these moments always
Truly I’ll always treasure these days with you
True hearts now and ever after
True hearts beating fast and faster
Here with you with me together
One forever here with you
© 2022 Brainforest Music (BMI)
All rights administered worldwide by
Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
I'm Not Alright
Ted Leonard
They couldn’t wrap it up in a box
Or place a pretty bow on top
I just never fit in that nutshell
I just slowed down when the sign said stop
But your nutshell’s cracked and your reasoning lacks
And your judgement serves to divide me
And your well intent are efforts not well-spent
And your questions suicide me
No, I’m not alright so stop guessing
No, I’m not alright so stop pressing
No, I’m not alright so stop asking
I don’t want to talk it out and I don’t want to fight
I’m not alright
I never started here before
I never slammed such an open door
I never wanted to hurt those around me
But I never wanted anything more
Now these desperate times
Translate to desperate lines
And the desperation fills me
And I’m swerving to stay
Inside these lines I made
Before the desperation kills me
It’s awfully quiet ‘round here these days
No one’s got anything left to say
They tried to fit it all in a nutshell
They tried to wish it all away
© 2022 Tish Lincoln's Allstar Hits (ASCAP)
All rights administered worldwide by
Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
Just Another Day at The Beach
John Boegehold & Stanley T Sichel
I woke up this morning in an empty place
And through the haze
Looked outside and didn’t see your car
You might think I’m calling now to work things out
Been down that route
This time I don’t want to go that far
So I walked down to the pier
Where the kites and seagulls fly
While surfers, girls with dogs and boats go by
And that sun-burnt preaching man
With the sign he’s held for years
Sinners seek redemption
We both know the end is near
Just another day at the beach
Just another day without you within reach
It’s clear as glass to see when you’re not here with me
It’s just another day at the beach
Two kids carving castles using only sand
They got no plan
They don’t see the waves ‘til it’s too late
Just like you and me we built our crazy dreams
From sand it seems
Castles made to fall and wash away
There’s a man who’s too far out
He’s been swept up by the tide
And someone’s swimming out to save that guy
But when it comes to love
We’re all on our own
Swimming, treading water or going down another time
© 2022 Brainforest Music (BMI) and Haley's Comet Music (BMI)
All rights administered worldwide by
Reservoir Media Management, Inc.